Episode 1 February 8,2023 Chandler Patterson
Jesus on Display Trailer
An introduction to what the Jesus on Display podcast is all about! Find church updates and condensed sermons that are 20 minutes or less, which is a great runtime for all of your daily commutes, morning and evening devotionals, or lunch break! We’ll also talk about the power of storytelling and how that ties into what we do here—you may even find us talking about faith and film with discussions on various movies and how the two work in unison to put Jesus on display.
Episode 1 February 15,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:01 | The Fellowship of the Son
A state of the church update from Pastor Charlie! We have been set apart by God and for God, called together and gifted by God, to partner with God in His work in the world. Because we are “the fellowship of His Son,” we are also in partnership with the Son. So, what exactly does that mean? How do we live out partnering with God in His work in the world?
Episode 2 February 22,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:02 | Working In Our Weakness
God is working slowly, silently, subversively to usher in a King and a Kingdom that will turn the world upside down.
Episode 3 February 28,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S1:03 | Why Is Storytelling So Important?
There are so many stories out there, and many ways to consume and absorb them all. We're starting the conversation of exploring why storytelling is crucial while also giving you examples of correlations in Scripture, and in the medium of filmmaking. And oftentimes, we’ll intersect the two by talking about faith and film with some direct Gospel takeaways from the stories we love. Share your story with us today at fellowshipgreenville.org/sharemystory!
Episode 4 March 5,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:04 | True Revival
In a culture that continues to drift farther and farther from God, the only way you won’t drift with it is for you to honor God as King over every part of your life and build your life on the Word of the King.
Episode 7 March 20,2023 Jason Malone & Rob Marks
S1:07 | Church Updates — Spring 2023!
Spring is here for the year 2023! Here's what's happening around our church and how you can get involved wherever you are. To keep up with all of our church happenings, the best thing to do is subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required).
Episode 5 March 13,2023 Matt Rexford
S1:05 | Praise & Providence
1 Samuel 9-10:16 teaches us two distinct things about praising and trusting in God's plan for our lives. This story winds through the land on a donkey hunt. Saul and his servant think they are out for an ordinary day, but God is sovereignly guiding him toward Samuel to be anointed king.
Episode 6 March 16,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:06 | Rooted in Scripture
The only way to survive in a world that constantly pulls us away from God, the only way to stay connected to the source of life, is to immerse yourself in the story of the Scriptures. SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 9-11
Episode 8 March 23,2023 Jason Malone
S1:08 | Who's the Hero of Your Story?
When you're telling your stories, who is the hero? What makes you feel the most self-worth? What, if you lost it, would make you feel despair? 1 Samuel 12 is a testimony to Samuel’s leadership. He calls Israel to remember how merciful God is, repent of their sins, and replace their idols with obedience and reverence to the one true King.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Remember — Repent — Replace." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 9 March 29,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S1:09 | Crop Circles & Dead Faith — Signs
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "Signs." Similar to when someone shares their story, movies make us feel connected in one collective setting. Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren’t defined by what’s happened to us or what we’ve done but by what’s been done for us through Jesus’ work on the cross.
For more context on the value of storytelling, listen to our recent episode, "Why Is Storytelling So Important?"
Episode 10 April 3,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:10 | An Anatomy of Sin
In 1 Samuel 13, we begin to see the demise of King Saul. Saul is a man with a better plan. When put under pressure, he reasons his way into compromising his identity as God’s chosen king. He ignores what God says in favor of what seems right in his own eyes. The pressures of our circumstances can bend us out of the shape God has designed us to be unless we value God’s Word above the self-justifying words, we tell ourselves—words that make disobeying God seem reasonable.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Demise of the King." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 11 April 6,2023 Charlie Boyd
S1:11 | Winners vs Disciples
The “perhaps” of faith is trusting both the power of God and the freedom of God to work for our good and His glory in each and every circumstance He brings into our lives.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The 'Perhaps' of Faith." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 12 April 14,2023 Jason Malone
S1:12 | Finding Peace with God
What we celebrate on Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is not simply something to be amazed by (although it is amazing), but it's meant to alter, re-arrange, shape, define, and anchor your life. It does actually change everything. As we think of our current cultural moment, there are plenty of people who are amazed at Jesus and yet not being changed by Jesus. It is only Jesus who, through the power of the resurrection, can save us, change us, and transform us.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "The From/To Power of the Resurrection." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 13 April 19,2023 Jim Thompson
S1:13 | Listen & Obey
What comes into your mind when you think about obedience? For many of us, parenting might come to mind. Not just having to obey our parents, but, if you have kids, how you want them to obey you. And getting kids to obey can be rough. Sometimes it feels as though they can’t hear you. Sometimes it’s like they only do enough of what you asked so that you won’t be upset. And God only knows where motives are in the obedience journey. But this issue of obedience extends far beyond parenting. It actually applies everywhere, especially when it comes to our relationship with God.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "True Obedience." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 14 April 26,2023 Jason Malone
S1:14 | The Dangers of Envy
1 Samuel 19 kicks off the crazy story about a king attempting to murder the future king (who is also his son-in-law) in a multitude of ways. Saul had an issue with envy when it came to David. Oftentimes envy and jealousy are used interchangeably. The challenge of this passage leads to us being able to celebrate the blessing of someone else when you think you should be blessed like they have been blessed.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Hey, Jealousy!" Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 15 May 8,2023 Jim Thompson
S1:15 | Embracing Grace by Faith
Have any of you ever been a part of an intervention? How did that room feel? It’s so hard to sit a friend or family member down and have a serious talk with them about some destructive pattern in their life. But the whole scenario is borne out of love. Everybody at the intervention is there because they love the person who needs help. Sadly, the person who needs help doesn’t usually receive it as a loving gesture. Often, they actually feel the opposite of loved. They feel ganged up on. They feel attacked. So, what does grace look like in that scenario?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "The Point of the Spear." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 16 May 10,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S1:16 | Fight for Forgiveness — Warrior
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "Warrior (2011)." Hear personal stories of what it's like growing up in a house of all brothers and dive into some of the faith parallels from the movie! Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren't defined by what's happened to us or what we've done but by what's been done for us through Jesus' work on the cross.
For another discussion on the movie, "Signs," listen to the episode "Crop Circles & Dead Faith."
For more context on the value of storytelling, listen to our recent episode, "Why Is Storytelling So Important?"
Episode 17 June 1,2023 Charlie Boyd
S2:01 | Why Does the Church Matter?
Church Matters has a double meaning. First, "church matters" means that it's important. It’s not optional. It wasn’t an afterthought in the plan and purpose of God. The local church is the way Jesus intends to build/grow up His people in the faith, and it’s the way Jesus’ mission moves forward in the world. And second, "church matters" means there are certain “matters” that make up a New Testament church—“matters” that make it distinct from other forms of Christian gatherings or personal worship. The “church” is a particular gathering of Christ-followers who meet in a specific location to hear and respond to God’s Word in congregational worship as they work together to move Jesus’ mission forward in the world.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Church Matters." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 18 June 8,2023 Jim Thompson
S2:02 | The Need to Belong
Our lives are filled with a longing to belong. It is one of the most basic human desires. This is true at every stage and season of life. Recognition of this desire is loaded with questions. In my own story, how do I cultivate belonging? Is there a way to experience a fixed state of belonging? Is there any way that these desires can be moored to an anchor and not subject to a breeze? And what does God think about all this? What should it look like to belong to God by belonging to one another? There is so much packed into this question, but it gives succinct language to what we truly want. It addresses the real wants that are underneath the surface wants and gets close to the default setting God created us with. And to answer this question, Acts 2:42-47 will serve us well.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Church Membership." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 19 June 15,2023 Jason Malone & Matt Rexford
S2:03 | Church Updates — Summer 2023!
Summertime is here for the year 2023! Here's what's happening around our church and how you can get involved wherever you are. To keep up with all of our church happenings, subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required), head to our website, or download our church app.
Episode 20 June 16,2023 Jonny Brush
S2:04 | What God Wants Out of Our Worship
Gathering with God’s people for the purpose of worshiping Him isn’t just a good idea, it’s a God idea. And the Psalms give us clear pictures as to what this idea looks like, specifically Psalm 95. But, even with a clear picture of what God wants from us and for us, our sin, preferences, opinions, and past pains can interfere, and the result is often confusion and tension. And on top of that, we bring our own idols and problems into the room when we gather. So what do we do? What’s the solution? Psalm 95 not only gives us a clear picture of what God wants but tells us how to do it.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jonny Brush's message, "Being Shaped by God's Worth." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 22 June 22,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S2:06 | Exile, Hope, and a Volleyball — Cast Away
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "Cast Away (2000)." Finding hope in exile is a running theme throughout the film, and we'll discuss various takeaways from our viewing experiences! Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren't defined by what's happened to us or what we've done but by what's been done for us through Jesus' work on the cross.
Additional Resources:
"Crop Circles & Dead Faith" (Signs Episode)
"Fight for Forgiveness" (Warrior Episode)
"Exiles Living in Hope" (Sermon Series)
Episode 21 June 21,2023 Jason Malone (Zac Rigsby & Trenton Stokes)
S2:05 | A Church That Truly Matters
A local church that is committed to equipping one another is a church that continues in the unity given to us in Christ as we mature spiritually (or as spiritual formation takes place) and we accomplish what the Lord has for us to accomplish as a church…all for His glory and His fame.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Spiritual Formation." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 23 June 29,2023 Charlie Boyd
S2:07 | The Supremacy of Scripture
Bill Wellons sums up the state of the church this way: healthy leaders—healthy staff—healthy church. The opposite is also true: unhealthy leaders—unhealthy staff—unhealthy church. What does healthy church leadership look like, and how does the supremacy of Scripture supersede culture? These questions will be unpacked in this episode!
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Healthy Leadership." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 24 July 6,2023 Dallas Greenaway
S2:08 | Building the Kingdom
Acts 6 is an example of God meeting the needs of his people through the serving of his people. Like the human body needs all of its parts to function well for the entire body to be healthy, so does the church body need each person to fulfill their role to have a fully healthy and functioning church.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Dallas Greenaway's message, "Serving." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 25 July 13,2023 Jim Thompson
S2:09 | Understanding Spiritual Gifts
The spiritual gifts conversation in Scripture isn’t an option at a buffet. It is crucial to Christlike growth and formation. So, we have to ask, how do we rightly understand and employ spiritual gifts in the church today?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Spiritual Gifts." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 26 July 19,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S2:10 | Home Is the Rescue — Dunkirk
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "Dunkirk (2017)." Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren't defined by what's happened to us or what we've done but by what's been done for us through Jesus' work on the cross.
Gospel takeaway: When you can't get home, home comes to your rescue!
Episode 27 July 25,2023 Jason Malone
S2:11 | Stewarding God's Generosity
We want to steward well the numerical growth we’re experiencing towards ongoing spiritual growth because you’re not just a number to us. How do we manage well what the Lord has entrusted to us?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Stewardship of Life." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 28 July 28,2023 Charlie Boyd
S2:12 | Going Public with Your Faith
When it comes to the topic of baptism, different people have different opinions and beliefs concerning what baptism means, how it should be administered, and why it matters. But, what does Scripture teach us about going public with your faith?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Why Baptism Matters." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 29 August 3,2023 Charlie Boyd
S2:13 | Preaching and Why It Matters
About 65 million Americans listened to a sermon last week. But I don't think many, if any, of them have ever heard a sermon on the topic of preaching. Consequently, most weekly worship service attendees haven’t thought much about what God intends to happen when His Word is preached, and His people listen. How about you? Have you thought much about that? Why does preaching matter? What does God want you to experience when you listen to a sermon?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Preaching." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 30 August 14,2023 Matt Densky
S2:14 | Empowering the Next Generation
God’s invitation to the next generation is not positional, but personal. In other words, it is not just parents, grandparents, teachers, or youth and children's pastors that should be burdened for the next generation, but all of those who follow Jesus and are a part of the church family.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Matt Densky's message, "The Next Generation Matters." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 31 August 18,2023 Charlie Boyd
S2:15 | Knowing the Way of Jesus
As followers of Jesus, we know that the teaching of Jesus matters. We know that the mission of Jesus matters. But do we know that the “way” of Jesus matters? What does that even mean?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Way of Jesus Matters." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 35 September 6,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S3:03 | Not Guilty Anymore — 12 Angry Men
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "12 Angry Men (1957)." Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren't defined by what's happened to us or what we've done but by what's been done for us through Jesus' work on the cross.
Additional resource:
"Not Guilty Anymore" by Aaron Keyes
Episode 32 August 24,2023 Jason Malone
S2:16 | Jesus Is the One Who Matters
Season 2 comes to a close with Jason's latest application in our "Church Matters" series. Jesus is the architect and builder of His Church—He died and rose from the dead to bring His Church into existence, and He promises to preserve and protect His Church until the day He comes back for us.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Be Bold." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 31 August 27,2023 Libby Handford
S3:01 | Putting Jesus on Display Through Your Story (feat. Libby Handford)
We’re kicking off season 3 with a very special episode. As we talk about the value of storytelling and how we’re a part of God’s story of redemption, we love to present it in an array of ways and perspectives with people who are in various life phases. Recently, we captured a session with Libby Handford, wife to the late Walt Handford, who pastored our church for 31 years, from 1965 to 1996.
Libby has continued to impact the community around her long after Walt retired and even after his passing. She has led several Bible studies, written a handful of books, and led various discussions on the Christian life from her own experiences with so many people. Anyone who has spent time with her knows her love for Jesus is incredibly evident, and she’s undoubtedly one of the wittiest people around. If her ministry has impacted your life, you'll want to stick around for this one. Even if you’re new, we trust you’ll get something out of it. So, enjoy this episode centered on putting Jesus on display through your story with Libby Handford.
Additional Resource:
VIDEO + AUDIO below!
Episode 32 September 3,2023 Charlie Boyd
S3:02 | What the Spirit Is Saying to the Churches
What we “hear what the Spirit saying to the church” in Revelation is simple and profound. This is a Revelation of who Jesus is and what He’s up to in the world. He is the incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended, glorified Lord. He rules over everything from government to galaxies while standing in the middle of His churches. He says to us, “Listen to Me,” “Keep your eyes on Me,” and “Don’t be afraid, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to Death and Hades.”
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 38 September 25,2023 Jason Malone & Matt Rexford
S3:06 | Church Updates — Fall 2023!
Fall is in the air in 2023! Here's what's happening around our church and how you can get involved wherever you are. To keep up with all of our church happenings, subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required), head to our website, or download our church app.
Additional Resource:
Laurelle's Story - No Limitations
Episode 36 September 14,2023 Jason Malone
S3:04 | Choosing Faith Over Fear
In our moments of suffering and persecution, many of us wrestle with 3 prominent questions: Where are you God? Are you aware of what I’m walking through? What are you going to do about it? And that is what is in view here as we look at this letter to the Church at Smyrna.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Smyrna: Faith Under Pressure." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 37 September 21,2023 Jason Malone
S3:05 | Standing Firm in the Truth of Jesus
In a “tolerance is king” culture, we read the words of Jesus to the church of Pergamum. I believe these are timely words for us in our current cultural moment.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Pergamum: God’s People in Satan’s City." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 39 September 28,2023 Jim Thompson
S3:07 | God's Invitation to Intimacy
The enemy is seeking to entice people away from God’s good design. He’s done this since Eden. In the first-century world of the New Testament, as well as in our own day, the bait on the devil’s hook is often sexual in nature. But we can’t forget—sexuality in the Bible is not just the reality of intimacy shared between a husband and a wife. It’s also meant to be a metaphor for the intimacy and connection between God and his people. After all, the Bible begins and concludes with marriage bookends. So, it should come as no surprise that Satan seeks to allure us away from the power and purity of these things – whether or not we’re married in this life.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Thyatira: The Allure of False Intimacy." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 40 October 6,2023 Jason Malone
S3:08 | Remaining Faithful While Trusting God's Promises
Just like the city itself, the church at Sardis, while large and wealthy…was dead. Jesus calls them to wake up and remain faithful in their confession of Him in the world because He has promised to confess them as His own, both now and for eternity.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Sardis: Wake Up!" Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 41 October 13,2023 Jim Thompson
S3:09 | How to Endure Well
In the face of questions, in the face of knowing our responsibilities to love God and love others, in the face of social and cultural pressure, how should we persevere? How should we persist in what’s right? Perhaps you’ve felt the weight of that question.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Philadelphia: A Hope-Shaped Perseverance." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 42 October 18,2023 Jason Malone
S3:10 | Rejecting Apathy and Embracing Fellowship
In what ways have we grown apathetic and complacent in our walk with Jesus due to our self-centeredness? And how and why is Jesus our motivation for change?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Laodicea: Let Me In!" Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 43 October 23,2023 Jonny Brush & Chandler Patterson
S3:11 | From Death Row to Life — The Green Mile
Join us as we discuss several gospel takeaways from the movie, "The Green Mile (1999)." Ultimately, our goal when we discuss these types of stories is to remind ourselves that we aren't defined by what's happened to us or what we've done but by what's been done for us through Jesus' work on the cross. Stick around for a family viewing rating along with a gospel lens rating.
Share your story with us at fellowshipgreenville.org/sharemystory!
Episode 44 October 25,2023 Charlie Boyd
S3:12 | Multiplying God's Search and Rescue Mission
We are moving in our Sunday studies from “What the Spirit Is Saying to the Churches” to “What the Spirit Is Saying to Us” and then to “What is the Spirit Saying to Me” as we look to God to work in all our hearts to make the Adams Mill Expansion become a reality.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Maintaining Our Focus." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 45 November 2,2023 Charlie Boyd
S3:13 | Biblical Stewardship
1 Chronicles 29 can be summed up in three short phrases—three short phrases that define who we are as God’s people and who I am as a recipient of God’s grace. Everything belongs to God, everything comes from God, and everything is distributed by God. To understand and embrace those three truths about God is also to understand and embrace our need to move from thinking of ourselves as owners of our stuff to stewards of God’s stuff.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Ownership vs Stewardship." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 46 November 9,2023 Jason Malone
S3:14 | Making Eternal Friends Through Generosity
According to Jesus, we all have an incredible opportunity before us when it comes to money and stuff. Does God have access to his money and stuff through us, or does our money and stuff have us?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Perspective." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 47 November 24,2023 Charlie Boyd
S3:15 | Giving Generously and Cheerfully to God's Work
How do we rightly understand and apply Paul’s teaching in 2 Corinthians 9 on sowing and reaping to our financial lives?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Sowing and Reaping." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 48 December 25,2023 Jason Malone & Matt Rexford
S3:16 | Church Updates — 2023 Year In Review!
Another year has come and gone! Here's what's been happening this year, along with some things to look forward to in 2024! To keep up with all of our church happenings, subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required), head to our website, or download our church app (Apple, Android).
See you in the new year!
Episode 49 January 10,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:01 | Learning to See as God Sees
1 Samuel 16:7 — “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (NLT) As we learn to see as God sees, our hearts grow to passionately pursue the heart of God.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Leadership Transitions." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 50 January 17,2024 Jason Malone
S4:02 | The Hero of Our Story
For many, the David and Goliath story is talked about in regards to how best to face the “giants of our life.” But true courage is found in the true Hero of our story… and it’s not us.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "True Courage." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 51 January 26,2024 Jason Malone
S4:03 | Pursuing Jesus Together
What are the essentials to biblical friendship, what are the challenges, and how do Jesus and the beauty of the gospel motivate all of it?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Biblical Friendship." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 52 January 31,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:04 | Trusting God as He Writes Your Story
When God writes the stories of our lives, his plotlines are not always the plotlines we would choose if we were writing our own stories. God loves you. He understands every emotion that torments you. You can trust Him with how you feel. He’s completely safe. You can express your hurt, your sadness, your fears, your shame, your guilt, and yes, even your anger to him. The fact that the Psalms are in the Bible is God’s way of saying, “Come to Me. Pour your heart out to Me. I won’t get angry with you if you tell me you’re angry with Me.”
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Plotlines." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 53 February 8,2024 Jim Thompson
S4:05 | Living in God's Kingdom
In Jesus, God has entered our world of broken politics and broken religion to show us what his loving rule is really like.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "The Kingdom of God." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 54 February 12,2024 Jonny Brush, Chandler Patterson, & Jim Thompson
S4:06 | How Stories Shape Life with Jesus
Humans love telling stories largely because our Creator made us this way. But how do stories long for and echo what we find in Scripture, and ultimately, how do they shape and help us grow in our life with Jesus? Join us as we discuss practical takeaways on how both the Gospel and story work in unison to put the love of Jesus on display.
Episode 55 February 15,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:07 | Fellowship with a Holy God
The amazing revelation of Scripture is that the God of the Universe wants to live with us in an up-close, personal relationship. But that doesn’t mean we can treat Him any way we want. God is “Holy,” and that means we must never treat Him with anything less than the respect He rightly deserves. We must relate to Him as He instructs.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Respecting God's Holiness." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 56 February 22,2024 Jason Malone
S4:08 | The Commitment of God
Can you recall a moment in your life that, looking back, altered or significantly impacted the trajectory of your life? Was it possibly a conversation with someone? A specific conversation between God and David reminds us of who our God is and the implications for our life because of Jesus—now and for eternity.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Our Covenant Making God." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 57 February 29,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:09 | Grace-Motivated Kindness
The story we find in 2 Samuel 9 is one of the most moving, most beautiful stories of grace in all of Scripture. It’s the story of a great king, King David, who, as the recipient of God’s great grace, shows mind-boggling grace to a potential rival to the throne—to someone who is completely undeserving. But there’s so much more here. This short story points forward to the Bible’s “big story” of redemption. It’s one of the best illustrations of grace in all the Bible.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Basics of Grace." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 58 March 7,2024 Jim Thompson
S4:10 | Grace-Empowered Faithfulness & Obedience
What does it look like to obey after you’ve disobeyed? When we mess up, when we sin, when we do things our own way for the sake of our own puny kingdoms, and it backfires, how do we get back on track? In God’s hands, we believe that we aren’t defined by the worst thing we’ve done. But what does that look like in the practical? Simply, what does it look like to obey after you’ve disobeyed?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "The Contours of (Dis)obedience." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 59 March 12,2024 Jose & Michelle Alvarez
S4:11 | Finding Freedom in Forgiveness (feat. Jose & Michelle Alvarez)
What does it mean to truly forgive? As we make connections with others, how do we move on from past trauma with our personal experiences so it doesn’t spill over into our close relationships? Within this episode, hear from longtime members of FG, Jose and Michelle Alvarez, as they discuss how God has shaped their individual lives and their marriage through lessons on forgiveness.
Have a story centered on forgiveness? We'd love to hear from you! Share your story at fellowshipgreenville.org/sharemystory.
Episode 60 March 14,2024 Matt Rexford
S4:12 | Under the Authority of God's Kingdom
The safest and most blessed place to be is living within the boundaries of God’s kingship over your life. He is wiser than you, and he loves you. What distinctions do you make between confession and repentance, and where are you most tempted to live outside of God’s boundaries?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Matt Rexford's message, "A Clean Heart." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 61 March 21,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:13 | Surrendering to God's Will
Life doesn’t always go as planned. Grace doesn’t always erase the consequences of our sin—however—in the midst of those negative consequences, the spiritual healthy posture to take is what David said in 2 Samuel 15:25-26 (that we can turn into a prayer)—“God, do to me whatever seems good to you.” Also, in the midst of those negative consequences, when we feel forsaken, we’re mistaken. God’s promise to you is that He is with you and for you no matter what.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "When Life Doesn't Go as Planned." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 62 March 25,2024 Jonny Brush & Matt Rexford
S4:14 | Church Updates - Spring 2024!
Easter 2024, Missional Impact stories, Adams Mill location updates, and more! Here's what's happening around our church and how you can get involved wherever you are. To keep up with all of our church happenings, subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required), head to our website, or download our church app.
Episode 63 March 27,2024 Matt Densky
S4:15 | Embracing Jesus as King
Jesus didn’t come to overthrow Rome but to overthrow death. He defeated sin, not Caesar. The same tension is presented to us today. What is our motive for following Jesus? Is our faith contingent upon him meeting our expectations? Is he truly our King?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Matt Densky's message, "Is Jesus Your King?" Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 64 April 4,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:16 | The Core of Christianity Revealed
The core idea of our faith revolves around two questions: Why did Jesus have to die on the cross, and why did he have to rise from the dead?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Easter Gospel." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 65 April 11,2024 Jim Thompson
S4:17 | Nurturing the Unity of the Church
If you’re a Christian, your longing for belonging to a unified team is meant to be fulfilled in the church. We have a pure mission to be light in darkness and hope in despair with Jesus, like Jesus, and for Jesus. But desiring a pure thing with a pure goal is never easy. And so, here’s the scary question: Like a rogue player on a court or a stage, what are some of the biggest threats to a church’s unity?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Endangered Unity." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 66 April 19,2024 Jason Malone
S4:18 | Why Does God Save Us?
2 Samuel 22 is a song of David. As he articulates how God has been his Savior, Sustainer, Strength, and Security, we are reminded of the many ways God has shown Himself to be the same for us. The God who provided for David time and time again continues to be the One who provides for us today in and through Jesus.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "David's Song of Songs." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 67 April 25,2024 Jason Malone
S4:19 | Finding Security in Christ
The God who provided for David time and time again continues to be the One who provides for us today in and through Jesus.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "David's Song of Songs (Part Two)." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 68 May 3,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:20 | Testing, Tempting, Sin, & Repentance
How do you end a book on the life of David, Israel’s greatest king and the king from whom King Jesus will come? God’s answer is to close the life of David with a foreshadowing of the gospel.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "A Senseless Census." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 69 May 9,2024 Charlie Boyd
S4:21 | Seeing Yourself As You Really Are
We wrap up Season 4 by giving you a chance to imagine yourself attending King David’s funeral. What would a preacher say about the life of David, son of Jesse, Israel’s greatest-ever king? Tune in to this episode as we memorialize David and his troubled, redemptive life.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Eulogy for King David." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 70 May 24,2024 Charlie Boyd & Jim Thompson
S5:01 | Exploring the Themes of Revelation
What is the book of Revelation all about, and what does it reveal about Jesus? Join Charlie Boyd and Jim Thompson as they answer some burning questions surrounding several ideas about the book. Tune in to our series, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," to learn more!
Episode 71 May 30,2024 Jim Thompson
S5:02 | How to Persevere in Hard Times
John’s vision of Revelation 4-5 answers the question—how do we persevere rightly as God's people? While John specifically encourages each of the seven churches to persevere in chapters 2-3, in Revelation 4-5, we have the broadest answer to our question about how we should persevere.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Kingdom Perseverance." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 72 June 6,2024 Charlie Boyd
S5:03 | Standing Firm in a Chaotic World
How do we stand firm in a world that is consistently chaotic? Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that “only the Father knows” when he will return to restore his creation. So, what are we to do with that information? Discover some things you might not have known about the “end times” in Charlie’s latest sermon!
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Are We Living in the End Times?" Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 73 June 13,2024 Charlie Boyd
S5:04 | Discovering the Power of Prayer
Don’t you sometimes wonder: “If God is really on the Throne, then why are things so bad in this world?” “Why all the pain and suffering—why all the persecution and tribulation?” The prayers of God’s people play an important part in what God is up to in the world as He works to bring salvation to His people and bring judgment on this world, living rebellion against Him.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Opening the Scroll of History." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 74 June 21,2024 Matt Densky
S5:05 | Holding Fast to the Sacrificial Lamb
What are we to do with the escalating judgments that were revealed to John in Revelation 8-11?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Matt Densky’s message, “The Seven Trumpets.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 75 June 27,2024 Jim Thompson
S5:06 | Following the Lamb Wherever He Goes
In the scope of Revelation, chapters 12-14 give us the clearest picture of God’s enemy, and this enemy is an Unholy Trinity of sorts. It is seen as three different beasts in John’s vision: a dragon, a sea beast, and a land beast. And together these three are seeking to advance a counterfeit kingdom. How do we stay faithful to Jesus and not get sucked in by the political schemes of the evil one?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, “The Unholy Trinity and the Counterfeit Kingdom.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 76 July 5,2024 Trenton Stokes
S5:07 | Trusting in God's Sovereign Plan
God's coming wrath, represented by the seven angels with seven bowls, demonstrates the intensity and finality of God's wrath against sin and evil. Believers can stand firm, entrusting judgment to God and focusing on the Lamb and His greater purposes in the world today.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Trenton Stokes's message, “Worship and Wrath.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 77 July 10,2024 Zac Rigsby
S5:08 | Trusting in the Victory of the Lamb
Jesus reigns. Thankfully, because he reigns, the church has victory with him. Revelation 17-18 asks the fundamental question, do you live in Babylon and its idolatrous luxury, autonomy, and violence? Or the kingdom of God?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Zac Rigsby's message, “The Fallen City.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 78 July 12,2024 Jason Malone & Matt Rexford
S5:09 | Church Updates - Summer 2024!
What does it look like to create rhythms of rest for you and your family? Join Jason and Matt as they discuss various things, including church updates, sabbaticals, metaphorical dolphins, our new Adams Mill location, gospel expansion, and more! To keep up with our church happenings, subscribe to our newsletter at fellowshipgreenville.org/subscribe (login required), head to our website, or download our church app.
Living Vine Community Church - Gospel Expansion Story:
Fellowship Greenville Gospel Expansion Updates:
Episode 79 July 18,2024 Jason Malone
S5:10 | Finding Hope in the Eternal Hallelujah
Why do we gather in church on Sundays? We aren’t gathered for the pastor to simply tell you something if you are a follower of Jesus. We are gathered to do something, and that something is to raise our HALLELUJAH because of what God has done through Jesus.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, “HALLELUJAH.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 81 July 28,2024 Charlie Boyd, Matt Rexford, & Jim Thompson
S5:12 | The Book of Revelation (Bonus Features)
The final book of the Bible has several layers and nuances. This summer, we hosted a "Bonus Night" with a Q&A for anyone interested in submitting their pressing questions concerning Revelation. Join Charlie Boyd, Matt Rexford, and Jim Thompson in our "Revelation Bonus Features" episode. They'll explore some of the questions people have asked and provide more elaborations on the book as a whole.
Additional Resource:
When A Dragon Tried to Devour Christmas
Episode 80 July 25,2024 Charlie Boyd
S5:11 | Resting in the Promised Future
How do the scenes of the final defeat of evil that we see in Revelation 19-20 encourage us to stay faithful to Jesus when we face the evil in our world today? Or said another way: How does knowing that God will bring a final end to evil encourage us to persevere in a world system growing more and more evil every day?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, “The End of Evil.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 82 August 1,2024 Jason Malone
S5:13 | Living as a Disciple in Light of Our Future
As the Church, the people of God, we are called to live in the reality of the present, knowing of our certain future and what is certain about our future inevitably shapes today, tomorrow, and each day until Christ returns for us. In what ways should knowing how the story ends shape the way we live in the story?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, “All Things New.” Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 83 August 7,2024 Matt Densky
S6:01 | Breathing Life into the Next Generation
Let's kick off season 6 of this podcast by raising some important statistics and questions! We are in one of the most significant spiritual declines in recently recorded history. Sociologists and groups like Barna, Pew, and Springtide Research are all keeping a close watch on the trajectory of faith within the next generation, and the numbers are alarming. 70 percent (and growing) of young people are walking away from their faith in their 20s. These are not youth who have heard the Gospel once long ago. These are children raised in Christian homes, regular church attendees, mission trip goers, and Jesus-professing youth — 70 percent! So, how do we raise up the next generation? How do we do more than manage decline but reverse the numbers entirely?
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Matt Densky's Next Generation Sunday message. Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 84 August 15,2024 Charlie Boyd
S6:02 | Rescued Because of Grace
From the very beginning, the Gospel, the Good News that you can be made right with God and kept right with God by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, has come under attack. The letter to the Galatians is about never allowing anything to be added to the Gospel of grace—not religious rules or rituals, not church traditions, not the self-righteous thinking that your “goodness” or your good works somehow contribute to making you acceptable to God. Galatians tells us to never let anything like that be added to the Gospel of grace.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "The Letter that Saved the Church." Find the full sermon on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 85 August 22,2024 Jason Malone
S6:03 | Grace: The Ultimate Game-Changer
Many Christ Followers still struggle to believe that God's grace through Jesus Christ is sufficient to make them right with God and keep them right with God. In Galatians 1:6-10, Paul will get at the heart of our approval addiction and once again remind us that at the heart of modifying grace is people pleasing, which leads to bondage and death, not freedom and life.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Losing the Gospel." Find the full sermon and other sermon series on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 86 August 29,2024 Charlie Boyd
S6:04 | How the Gospel Transforms Everything
Why is being clear on the Gospel so vitally important? For the apostle Paul, adding anything to what Jesus has done for us through His life, death, resurrection, and ascension back into heaven brought out his strongest condemnation. You cannot mix grace and law-keeping in any way, shape, or form. The Gospel is “because of,” not “in order to.” Learn how this truth changes everything!
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Charlie Boyd's message, "Being Clear on the Gospel." Find the full sermon and other sermon series on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 87 September 5,2024 Jim Thompson
S6:05 | How the Gospel Reinterprets Our Stories
How do you interpret your own life? Usually, it’s based on what you’ve done or what people have done to you. Sadly, this often leads to endless and cancerous comparisons. But what if the gospel has a different interpretation of my life than I do? In Galatians 1, Paul’s brief autobiography helps us understand how the gospel of grace can change our perspective.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jim Thompson's message, "Grace Reinterprets." Find the full sermon and other sermon series on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!
Episode 88 September 12,2024 Jason Malone
S6:06 | Why Gospel Truth Matters
As Paul continues his autobiography in Galatians 2, he drives home the point that if you add anything to faith in Christ…thinking somehow it will make you clean…or make you more acceptable to God…you LOSE the gospel. And that same principle applies just as much today as it did in Paul’s day.
*This episode is an excerpt taken from Jason Malone's message, "Gospel Unity." Find the full sermon and other sermon series on our website at fellowshipgreenville.org/sermons!