Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22
As we come to the conclusion of our study through Revelation 1-3, we read of the Church of Laodicea. It is probably the most well-known of the 7 Churches. It’s possible for many of us, we’ve heard this passage taught with people who don’t know Jesus as the primary audience but just like all the other churches, this letter was written to people who claimed to follow Jesus. The main issue facing this church family was self-sufficiency leading to their complacency, which led to their missing out on truly walking with Jesus. What would the Spirit of God through the Word of God have us consider as we walk through these verses? Where are we most tempted to live self-sufficiently? Where are we currently buying into the lie that we are the center of the universe? Where are we attempting to realize a better, self-sufficient version of ourselves? In what ways have we grown apathetic and complacent, in our walk with Jesus, as a result of our self-centeredness? And how and why is Jesus our motivation for change? These will be some good questions for us to process through together this morning as we walk through Revelation 3:14-22.
- Ephesus: Strong theological purity but indifferent and not loving towards each other.
- Smyrna: Persecution and suffering in the midst of poverty but standing firm.
- Pergamum: Loving and compassionate but compromising theologically and morally.
- Thyatira: Loving and serving but tolerated false teaching.
- Sardis: Living hypocritically because their reputation in the community did not match their reality.
- Philadelphia: Small and perceived insignificance but patient in the midst of hostility.
I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other. Isaiah 42:8
My glory I will not give to another. Isaiah 48:11
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7
- Where are you most tempted to live self-sufficiently?
- Where are you currently buying into the lie that you are the center of the universe?
- Where are you attempting to realize a better, self-sufficient version of yourself?
How have you observed the previous 3 questions making their way into the western evangelical church culture?
In what ways have you grown apathetic and complacent, in your walk with Jesus, as a result of our self-centeredness?
Who in your life knows of your self-sufficient tendencies and prays for you and encourages you?
How is Jesus, the AMEN, your motivation for true life change when it comes to self-sufficiency leading to complacency in your walk with Jesus?
*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.
- Read Revelation 3:14-22
- Have you primarily heard this passage taught with unbelievers or believers as the intended audience? If heard previously through the lens of unbelievers, how are you processing it today based on it being written to believers?
- Where are you most tempted to live self-sufficiently?
- Where are you currently buying into the lie that you are the center of the universe?
- Where are you attempting to realize a better, self-sufficient version of yourself?
- How have you observed the previous 3 questions making their way into the western evangelical church culture?
- In what ways have you grown apathetic and complacent, in your walk with Jesus, as a result of our self-centeredness?
- Who in your life knows of your self-sufficient tendencies and prays for you and encourages you?
- How is Jesus, the AMEN, your motivation for true life change when it comes to self-sufficiency leading to complacency in your walk with Jesus?