Service Times: 9:00am and 11:00am Locations Events LATEST MESSAGE
Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE
Working at Fellowship Greenville requires intentionality, discipline, goal-planning, and follow-through. Improvement in our roles in ministry demands humility, open-mindedness, empathy, grace, and a LOT of prayer. We're not striving for perfection—let's leave the word "perfect" to our Heavenly Father. However, showing continual improvement does mean we'll give our best and use the gifts God has given us for the good of others.
This means that we consider all input from various team members valuable, even if it means a little "iron sharpening iron" goes on in the process. Conflict will arise at times. It also means you will not always get your way. In fact, you may rarely get your way. But the goal of the team is to create something better together than any one of us could do alone. Humility is a must. We need to not fight for our ideas and ambitions but fight for the good of one another.
Passion—we all have it. The challenge is knowing when to bring your passion and when to step back and let others' passions take the lead. Bringing passion is anchored in a dynamic relationship with Jesus - daily walking in the Spirit and then with as much enthusiasm and energy as possible following through with His direction as it relates to our jobs. Outsiders should be able to look at us and conclude that we love what we do.
This means prioritizing God and family so you can be effective in ministry. Do you know yourself well enough to pace yourself and place importance on areas of life over other areas during certain seasons? Are you willing and able to ask for help from others when you know your health in a specific area is suffering? We have to be ok with being vulnerable with one another, even when it’s scary to do so.
Not getting your way is a constant. This demands we daily die to ourselves and prioritize what's best for the Church. This also means that advocating for more significant changes will most likely take time, prayer, and a great deal of humble persistence. At its core, being open-handed means, we practice patience even when we want something to happen right away. While oftentimes, it may be uncomfortable to do so, it's all rooted in God's timing and leading.