4 Truths About the Kingdom of God Jesus talked about the "kingdom of heaven" or the "kingdom of God" a lot during his ministry. But, what is the kingdom of God, and how does it work? Read This
Practicing Daily Habits Through Our Church App Daily habits of gratitude, prayer, and reading Scripture are essential to the Christian life. Here's how you can practice these habits through our church app! Read This
3 Ways to Live in a Chaotic World How are we supposed to live when the world seems like it’s out of control? Read This
4 Reasons Why Community Matters Community groups are essential and foundational to our personal transformation. Here are four reasons why we believe community matters! Read This
5 Lessons in Partnering With God in His Work How do we live out partnering with God in His work in the world? Here are five helpful lessons for you! Read This
How to Guard Your Marriage Marriage is a gift from God. How do you guard it so you're honoring one another and God? Read This
How God's Word Shapes Our Words Communication is essential in relationships, and God calls us into a relationship by drawing us into conversation through his Word. But, how do you use God's Word in your own words? Read This
Making Time for What Truly Matters Time brings along change. Sometimes, change for the better, and sometimes, change that is different. But how do we make the most of the time we have? Read This
Teaching the Story of the Bible as Parents As a parent, how do you set the foundation for Bible reading in your house, especially if the words “avid Bible reader” aren’t used to describe you? Read This