Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Financial Assistance

If you or someone you love is experiencing financial difficulty, there is hope.

We have a variety of resources to assist with financial challenges.

Benevolence Contact us

The Fellowship Greenville Benevolence Fund exists to fulfill the commands of scripture and to exemplify the character and grace of God by giving to those in need of monetary or material assistance. It is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis.

Assistance from the benevolence fund is intended to be a one-time gift. In unusual circumstances, the Benevolence Fund team may decide to help more than one time. However, under no circumstance is a gift from the Benevolence Fund to be considered a loan. No gift may be repaid, either in part or in full, in money or in labor.

Hitting bottom and hitting it hard was the worst thing that ever happened to me and the best thing that ever happened to me.Dave Ramsey

Financial Counseling Contact us

Our desire is to assist those in our church who would like to learn how they might gain greater financial stability. Members of our financial support team have the training and background needed to provide expert guidance to help put you back on a financially stable path. Contact us with questions or to get connected.