Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Martens : Franz & Kristie

In the summer of 2017, Franz and Kristie moved to Potsdam, Germany to establish a hosted Oasis for Global Workers. After 3 years of hosting Global Workers, COVID shut down all operations and the Martens started sensing the need for a change of ministry. 

Noticing the lack of a church serving Internationals in the city of Potsdam, the Lord led them to plant a new church in 2022. The church, Fellowship Potsdam, is attended by international students, professionals, and Germans alike. The church has experienced rapid growth which has included many children and also local families. 

The Martens still continue to offer Biblical Counseling and retreat opportunities to global workers when possible. 

The Martens began their missionary service in 1996, serving with an organization specializing in church planting in the world's most remote and unreached parts. They have served as a family in Papua New Guinea and in short-term capacities in other countries. The Martens have 3 grown children, one grandchild and a grandchild on the way living in the United States.  

Way to Pray: Franz and Kristie have been excited at the ways they can already see God moving in their church plant in Potsdam. Pray for this community to continue to grow stronger. Please also pray for them as they consider moving to a larger meeting space. 

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