Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Ingrassia : Sam & Vicki

The Ingrassias have been serving more than 20 years with e3 Partners Ministry, an international evangelism and church planting ministry headquartered in Plano, Texas. Sam has led evangelism/church planting teams and leadership development conferences to Russia, Sicily, Moldova, Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil, Haiti, and Guatemala. He serves on the senior executive team with e3 Partners, and his target country is Colombia where he serves as Strategy Coordinator.  

He attended Dallas Seminary, was a Bible College professor at one time and also a pastor at Jacksonville Chapel in New Jersey. Sam and his wife, Vicki, have been married for close to 40 years and have three adult daughters.

Way to Pray: Praise and prayers for the international expansion and influence of the e3 Colombia Mentor Network - equipping in healthy church establishing. Their Colombia leaders are now reaching out in Brazil, Peru, Amazon region, Mexico and even to Spain and France via internet connection and trainings. Please pray for Vicki who has experienced some health crises.

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