As we come to the final message in our 25-week Galatians study, we see how the apostle Paul “bookends” his letter with “grace and peace.” For Paul, “grace and peace” are not pious babble or Christianese. No, “grace and peace” sum up how we experience the truth of the Gospel. Grace comes to us through the cross. Peace comes to us through the Spirit. The grace and peace we’ve received from God is to be translated into the way we relate to and interact with others, especially the difficult people in our lives.
Paul's use of "grace and peace" to bookend his letters
- Not just pious babble or Christianese
- Describes how we experience the truth of the Gospel
- Order is important: grace leads to peace
Definitions of grace
- Greek word charis, related to chairo (rejoice)
- Favor done without expectation of return
- God's Riches at Christ's Expense (G.R.A.C.E.)
- God's unmerited, eternal generosity and goodness
Peace (eirene)
- From Hebrew shalom
- Means harmony, tranquility, security, wholeness, every kind of good
- Experienced now, not just future
Paul's context in writing Galatians
- Concerned about Gospel distortion
- Facing persecution
- Still able to extend grace and peace
Applying grace and peace in our lives
- Interrupting condemnation with grace and peace
- Speaking grace and peace to enemies and those who hurt us
- Using it as a litmus test for thoughts and actions
Fruit of the Spirit as evidence of grace and peace
- Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
- Contrasted with works of the flesh
Vision for a different kind of Christian community
- Being God's grace and peace to each other
- Known for grace and peace
John Piper's insights on "Grace to you" and "Grace with you"
- Grace through hearing God's Word
- Grace that goes with us by the Spirit
Practical application
- Ending emails with "grace and peace"
- Making it a prayer for others
*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.
Remember, these are “suggested” questions. You do not have to go through every single one of them. In fact, some of these questions may prompt other questions that may be important to group members. So, feel free to explore other questions as long as they don’t become “rabbit trails.”
Opening Prayer: Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to open your hearts and minds to understand and apply the truths about God's grace and peace in your lives.
Have someone read Galatians 1:3 and 6:16-18.
- What stood out to you most from the sermon? …Why?
- How would you define "grace" in your own words? …How have you experienced God's grace in your life recently? …
- The sermon mentions that peace/shalom is "every kind of good." How does this expand your understanding of biblical peace?
- Pastor Charlie asks, "What if everything we did began with grace and peace?" How might this change your daily interactions and relationships?
- Reflect on Romans 8:1 - "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." How can we speak grace and peace to interrupt self-condemnation in ourselves and others?
- How does understanding grace and peace help us discern between the fruit of the Spirit and works of the flesh (Galatians 5:22-23)? …
- The sermon suggests we should be "God's grace and peace to each other." What might this look like practically in our church community?
Practical Applications:
- Identify a relationship or situation where you need to extend more grace. Pray for God's help in doing so.
- When you catch yourself or others engaging in self-condemnation, practice interrupting those thoughts with statements of grace and peace.
- This week, try ending your emails or text messages with "grace and peace" as a reminder to pray for those to whom you write.
Closing Prayer: Thank God for His grace and peace. Ask Him to help your group live as people marked by grace and peace in all your interactions this week.