A War of Wants Part 2 Charlie Boyd - 2/9/2025 Galatians 5:13-18 Audio Sermon Notes (PDF) Ask a Question SERMON KEY POINTSWe all struggle with wanting to do right but often doing wrong. There is a “war of wants” going on deep inside our hearts. The key is understanding that our new, “true self “in Christ is at war with our old, self-centered “false self.”There's a very real, ongoing, internal struggle—“a war of wants” going on between our "true self" in Christ and our "false self" (the flesh). Paul talks about this struggle in Romans 7 and Galatians 5 by saying, “I” want to do the right things, but “I” don’t do them. There’s something in “me” that opposes the “me” who wants to do good. The question is: Who is the “me” that’s not me?The “flesh” is the patterned person you became growing up in a fallen, broken world. The “flesh” is a fabricated self—a self we created in the first 20 years of our lives in a self-centered world. This “false self” was and still is fed by three things: What I have to have, what I have to do, and what I need you to think of me in order for me to feel significant and secure. The flesh is the “me” that’s me apart from Christ.You are not defined by what you have, what you do, or what others think. Your true identity is found in Christ alone.The ”me” that’s not “me” is my true self in Christ that continues to struggle with the old “me” of my false self. (cf Eph 3:22-23; Col 3:5-14)The goal of the Christian life is not to become a better version of ourselves but to allow Christ to live His life through us.Spiritual formation is a lifelong process where the Spirit forms us into Christ's image.We can't defeat the flesh with more flesh—only Christ in us can transform us.*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.