Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

EPIC Retreat

We are all searching for something. Identity, purpose, guidance, and rest are just a few of the things we go to great lengths to find. The world offers us various thoughts, places, and people that promise to provide these things, yet they always come up short.

Thankfully, God offers us a better way. Jesus invites us into a life where all of our searchings are satisfied in him. The life Jesus models for us in the gospels is meant to be adopted as our new way of living. In fact, early Christians were referred to as followers of The Way.

We would like to invite you to EPIC 2024 as we study The Way of Jesus in the book of John and consider what it looks like to live like our 1st century rabbi in a 21st century world. Our student pastors, Dallas Greenaway and Tyler Smith, will be unfolding this theme with our students throughout the weekend.

This will be a time for students to get away from everyday distractions, really focus on growing in their relationship with God, and have an unforgettably amazing time at camp. This energetic retreat for middle schoolers and high schoolers is not only full of learning about God and awesome worship, but also building and strengthening the faith of students through friendships and discipleship. This is an incredible opportunity for physical and spiritual rest, loads of fun, and a unique opportunity to jumpstart our students’ faith as they enter into the new school year.

We hope to see you there!

Event dates: Saturday, August 31 - Monday, September 2, 2024
Event location: Woodlands Camp, Cleveland GA 
Transportation: We will be taking buses to and from Fellowship Greenville to Woodlands Camp. Drop off and pick up are at Fellowship Greenville. 
Event Cost: The cost per student includes activities, food, lodging, and transportation.
  • Early Bird Discount is $199 per student (if registered June 1-June 30).
  • Full Price is $219 per student (if registered July 1-July 31).
  • Late Fee is $239 per student (if registered August 1-August 18). 

Registration Dates: June 1 - August 18

***Please note: refunds will not be available for cancellations after August 18.

Registration closed on Sunday, August 18, 2024

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Woodlands Camp, Cleveland GA

Date / Time