Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Growth Track

Whether you're new to our community of grace or have been here for years, we want to give you tangible next steps to help you get connected as you grow in your life with Jesus. Within this growth track, you'll find ways to learn more about our church and discover how you can get connected through serving both inside and outside the walls of our church, as well as how community groups help a larger church feel small. Take your next step today by attending one of these classes!

Starting Point

Starting Point is a 90-minute preview of Fellowship Greenville, where you get a glimpse of how we got here, who we are, and where we're going as a church. It's also a place of discovery and belonging as you meet others at various phases in their life with Jesus. This class is offered 10 times per year.

FG Serve Class

Whether you're new to FG or are just ready to take the first step into serving, we'd love for you to join us for FG Serve! This class will be an opportunity to better understand how we think about serving here at Fellowship Greenville and help shape our motivation behind serving.

FG Community

Community groups are more than a point of connection—they are the Church of Scripture played out in our daily lives. FG Community is for those looking to join a community group, those already in a group, those who want to understand what it means, or those looking to continue in community.

FG Disciple

FG Disciple is a training aimed at equipping disciples of Jesus to make disciples of Jesus. In Jesus' parting words at the end of Matthew, he left His church with a mission.  As a participant, you will grow in the character of our savior and in your competency to disciple others.

Upcoming Growth Track Events