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God Has Transformed Me - Kevin's Story

by Kevin Link

My name is Kevin and I am married to my wonderful wife and best friend, Lauren. We have 2 beautiful young children together, Wyatt & Presley. When Lauren and I started dating 12 years ago, she was a new believer and I was not. She tried desperately to get me to church, put together bible studies for me, and read scripture with me but nothing seemed to work for me. For years, I wanted to follow Jesus but was too afraid to surrender my life to Christ and instead waited for some magical moment that seemed to be a part of everyone else's testimonies I had heard in the past. I had many starts and stops, going to church and then not going for very long stretches, joining small groups and then abandoning them, and ultimately just not even trying or thinking about God at all. This was very difficult for Lauren throughout our relationship. I had always heard that having God in the center of your relationship was the only way to have a truly fulfilling marriage. I thought that was nonsense. Things started changing for me when we started our family and moved to the Upstate. We started attending Fellowship Greenville regularly, and I slowly started to realize that change was happening within me. I was feeling compelled to change sinful behavior and I began to see God everywhere. On July 28th, 2024, Jason Malone, asked all of the attendees to close their eyes and invited anyone who was ready to surrender to Christ to open their eyes and make eye contact with him. This was the invitation I needed and was ready for. I opened my eyes and was ready to begin my new life in Christ. Since that day, God has helped me do many things I was unable to do alone. He is helping me draw closer to Lauren. He is helping become a spiritual role model, and leader for our children. This is why I wanted to be baptized because God transformed me and I wanted the world to see that transformation!

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