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Instrument of Peace - Caroline's Story

by Caroline Kruithof

"The world/life changed back in March. At first, I just enjoyed having Ken work from home and baked....and waited for life to get back to 'normal.' But after a couple of months, Ken had been back to work for six weeks, but life was still not back to normal. I was still baking a lot— taking baked goods to my neighbors and friends (and keeping some for us). I finally realized at the end of July “this is the new normal” and I can’t find comfort in baking. 

God is still in control. He is still on the throne. But more importantly, this is part of His plan to:

Expose strongholds

Love others well

Admit faults and then repent

Get back to doing life bravely

Be more diligent in prayer

REALLY listen to Him

Encourage others

Put feet to my faith and trust Him. 

He is here in this crazy, broken world and He is up to something BIG (for our good and for His glory). I long to be an instrument of His peace." - Caroline K.

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