Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Raise a Hallelujah - Karen's Story

by Karen Thompson

"During a recent health scare, 'I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody' went from a line in a song to my declaration of faith in God’s plan despite my fear. During my second emergency room visit, as I was on the gurney being taken to have various tests done, all I could do was say the words, “I raise a hallelujah” in a hushed tone. Those few words were my weapon against fear.

A few weeks later after the sudden loss of a close friend, I sang at the top of my lungs and the top of the volume dial, 'I’m going to sing in the middle of the storm, louder and louder, you are going to hear my praises roar.' The melody was once again a weapon, this time against loss and grief. The same song gave me strength in different ways and at different times because the song glorified God and allowed me to express my utter dependence on him." - Karen T.

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