Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Multiplying Communities of Grace

God's “great grace has been upon us all” (Acts 4:33) as we have seen nearly a thousand more people find a church home here. The most encouraging thing is that we’ve been able to care for and disciple the people God keeps bringing through our doors, helping them grow in their faith and desire to pursue life and mission with Jesus. Take a look below as we elaborate on what we believe God is calling us to in multiplying the ministries of Fellowship Greenville to help continue caring for and discipling you and your families.


ADAMS Mill campus - First Service

Our first services at the Adams Mill campus will be on Sunday, March 30 at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. If you are interested in stepping into serving, we still have a number of spots. Serving opportunities available.

Common Questions

No, not exactly. When you think about it, we’re already a “multi-site” church since we do not all meet in one single, auditorium. Expanding to Adams Mill is the way we believe we can keep a smaller church environment while creating space for growth. Also, this falls under our reason to multiply ministry, especially through the Upstate Church Collective (UCC).
In the beginning, Adams Mill will be a Sunday morning venue only—worship, Kids, and Middle School. All the other areas will continue to operate at our current address. Initially, we’ll staff Adams Mill with our staff and volunteers to mirror what happens at our current address. At some point, when the Adams Mill congregation grows to include new people, it’ll become a part of a family of churches connected to UCC. Our desire and commitment is to export our Fellowship “DNA” to other locations so more people can enjoy and benefit what you enjoy and benefit from here.
The 5-mile radius around our church continues to be among the fastest-growing areas of the state. From 2000 to 2015, this area has grown by 59%, and in the last eight years, the growth is at 9%. Currently over 1,100 people drive past Adams Mill to attend at our current location. By going just 6 miles down the road, our ask will be that 400-500 people from our congregation attend at Adams Mill, giving it the opportunity to grow to a two-service format, which creates more space for people to attend here. Adding to the 5-mile footprint we have here with an overlapping 5-mile footprint 6 miles down the road, increases our sphere of community impact to over 11 miles! We see this as a way to advance the Gospel and to reach more people.

Adams Mill will have the same live speaker rotation that we have here combined with video on some Sundays in the same way we operate here. Pastors will be rotating in and out of the Adams Mill location so new people can get to know them as well.

There’s no hard and fast rule. But our hope would be that you would eventually get involved in serving in one place or another and find community in that way as well. As to community group involvement, if you choose to attend Adams Mill you can continue in your current community group. Community groups will not be unique to a specific location.
Spend some time in prayer for how God will use the Adams Mill location to reach the people who call FG home and the surrounding communities, searching for the hope we have in the Gospel. If you haven’t already and wish to contribute to this expansion plan to help us meet monthly goals, you can give online, in our church app, or in person!

Giving Options

Give Online

You can give to your pledge or make a one-time donation.

Give by Mail

Our mailing address is 3161 S. Hwy 14, Greenville, SC 29615.

Give In-person

You can give any weekend. There will be envelopes and donation boxes available.


To discuss assets you would like to donate, contact our Accounting Office.