Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

The Rise of the Kingmaker

Charlie Boyd - 2.19.2023


God is working slowly, silently, subversively to usher in a King and a Kingdom that will turn the world upside down.

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 1-3

Here’s the outline we will follow for this sermon…

  • Why study the Old Testament? Two reasons, (there are more, of course, but I’m just highlighting two), the history we read about in the Old Testament, is “our” history, and the people we read about are “our” people. Second, the problems that plague our world today are the same problems that plagued ancient Israel.  
  • What is this passage about? This passage is about God doing something new in Israel. He is transitioning Israel from a loose confederation of tribes to a monarchy. He is bringing an end to the dark days of the judges when “everyone did as they saw fit,” and He is going to inaugurate the golden age of the kingdoms of David and Solomon. Chapters 1-3 are about the rise of the kingmaker.
  • What does this passage teach us about God? First, God begins by working in our weakness. Second, God often works in ways we cannot see—He works silently, subtly, subversively to bring His good purposes to pass. Third, God is working to send His chosen king who will turn the world-upside down in the “great reversal.”
  • How does this passage point us to Jesus? The “great reversals” Hannah sung about were only realized “in part” in her day. They will not be realized “in full” until King Jesus returns to set up God’s Kingdom on earth. Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-46 is a clear echo of Hannah’s song. Luke draws a parallel between Samuel’s upbringing (1 Samuel 2:26) and Jesus’ growing up years (Luke 2:52). And Jesus Himself, in the Sermon on the Mount, draws the great reversal parallels found in Hannah’s and Mary’s song (Luke 6:20-26).

*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.