The picture of “church growth” we see in Acts 2-4 is that God grew the church as the church focused on being the church. Growth was never the goal; it was a by-product—the by-product/the outcome of a church committed to Gospel-preaching, prayer, fellowship, unity, generosity, and caring for people both inside and outside the community of faith. When a church gives itself to these things, God grows the church as He sees fit. All numerical growth is God’s doing. It is the evidence that His “great grace” is at work in and through His people (Acts 4:33).
*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.
- Read Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35.
- What are the characteristics of church life that both of these passages highlight?
- How do you see these same characteristics at work at FG?
- Acts 2:41 says that after Peter preached the Gospel on the day of Pentecost, the “church” grew by 3,000 people. Acts 2:47 says, “The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” — Acts 4:4 says that after Peter’s preaching in Acts 3, the total number of “men” grew to 5,000. Taking women and children into account, it’s not out of the question to see that number upwards of 10,000.
- So, what is the relationship between how the early church did life and ministry and how God grew the church?
- When God grows a church numerically, what responsibility does the church have for those new people?
- As you think about the God-given growth here at FG over the last year and the plan to multiply our ministry to the Adams Mill YMCA property—what possible challenges do you see ahead? What opportunities might God be giving us in the future?
- What are other thoughts, “ahas,” and “questions” you have? Discuss these things in your group, keeping an open heart to how the Spirit might lead us.