Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

7 Reasons to Serve in Kids Ministry

In serving others, we grow to depend on God, learn how he made us, and find the place he has for us to contribute to the work of his body. Hundreds of people serve inside the walls of Fellowship Greenville each week. We have areas of ministry where you, too, can plug into service! Currently, some families are turned away from FG Kids each week because there are not enough adults available to serve their children. Here's why! It takes 150 volunteers to create a safe and fun experience for our kids each Sunday. That's a lot!

Few investments yield a return like serving the next generation. If you’ve been on the fence about serving in FG Kids (or you haven’t yet really given it much thought), here are seven reasons why you should give it a try.

  1. Serve with your spouse or small group members. Want to spend more time with your spouse or small group and get to experience the joy of doing ministry together as a team? Serving in kids ministry is one of the few places where you can partner with others and lead as a team.
  2. Meet new people. All classrooms and activities are team-led, meaning you’ll get to serve alongside and get to know other volunteers just as awesome as you are. Maybe they’ll end up joining your community group, or maybe you can start a community group as a result of serving together. Either way, you’ll have another name you can put with a friendly face when you see them on campus.
  3. Learn your Bible. You might be shocked at how much you can learn by going through the curriculum along with the kids. One of the most consistent things we hear from Kids’ Ministry volunteers is that the adults learn more than the children. No matter where you are in your life with Jesus, it helps to be regularly reminded of core truths in an easy-to-understand way.
  4. Parents need help. If you are a parent, you already know this. Raising kids is a ton of work, especially when making a weekly trip to church on Sunday, along with a ton of other weekly activities. By volunteering, you can partner with parents in discipling their kids, providing a second voice of truth in the kids’ lives. There may be no greater gift you can give a parent than to help their children walk in truth (3 John 4).
  5. Get experience with kids. If you don’t yet have kids of your own but hope that you will someday, serving in kids ministry is a great way to gain experience. You can be a better parent tomorrow by learning how to relate to and disciple other people’s children today.
  6. It’s fun! In case you didn’t know, kids are fun! Although the sacrifices of serving in adult-centered ministries are worth it, you’ll have a blast serving with kids.
  7. Future investment. Today’s children are the ones who will be leading the church (and our world) when you are old. We want them to be faithful followers of Jesus who are well-equipped with biblical wisdom. The things they learn now as children will help them throughout their lives (Proverbs 22:6).

If you’re interested in serving on this life-changing team weekly, biweekly, or monthly, please click below, complete the form, and we’ll reach out to you very soon!

Serve in FG Kids

*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.*

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