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What steps do I take if I want to be baptized?

(If you're looking for kid's and student's baptism info, please click here).

We’re delighted you are interested in taking this important next step in your faith journey.

Please follow the steps below to get started:

STEP 1. Watch the 45-minute video below, "Why Baptism Matters" (scroll to the bottom of this page). After doing so, if you're confident you’ve trusted Jesus with your life and want to be baptized, please move to Step 2.

STEP 2. Select the "Register" link below to sign up for the next Baptism Class*Within this class, you'll:

  • Discover more about the baptism process and what it means for us as believers
  • Learn how to share your story to characterize your decision to trust in Jesus – Learn More & Share Your Story
    • 4/27, 10:15 AM
      Rm 177/178 (Downstairs in Building D)

    STEP 3Schedule your interview to pursue your next step with baptism. After you attend the class, you'll receive an email for scheduling an interview to further discuss the journey that led you to this decision.

    STEP 4. Check your email the week you're scheduled for baptism. You'll receive a reminder email the week of your baptism with all the details you need to make it simple, memorable, and meaningful.

    *If you’ve already created an account on our website, you'll be taken straight into registration, but if you've never created an account, you'll be prompted to do so before registering.

    Why Baptism Matters FAQs.

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