As you know, we’re in a season of multiplying in grace. Through initiatives like the Upstate Church Collective and plans to expand just six miles down the road at Adams Mill, God has been so faithful as we’ve trusted him to lead in ways that only he can.
Lots of people are moving here, and we want to welcome more and more people moving to the Upstate. By God’s grace, we’ve seen many families find a home at Fellowship Greenville, and we desire to continue to serve those people with future generations in mind.
God has been so gracious to us in our 70+ years of existence, and because of his faithfulness and your generous hearts, we get to see him work in ways we never thought possible.
One of our church's main goals is to join God where he’s already working while striving to be a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with him. We remain committed to inviting and equipping you to be Jesus' apprentices by living out discipleship rhythms (see above) in your circles of influence. We cannot thank you enough for generously serving, giving, and joining in on God’s work here. We look forward to all of the upcoming ministry opportunities at Fellowship Greenville.
Grace and peace,
The Elders of Fellowship Greenville

Putting Jesus on display in 2024-2025
Each summer, we update our ministry plan to coincide with our fiscal year, which runs from July 1 - June 30. We believe this plan represents the ways God is leading us to join him in his plans for this church.
Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace, passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus. Putting Jesus on Display as we multiply communities of grace is our ministry plan for 2024-2025. This exists to strategically budget, organize, raise, and spend resources in a way that points people to Jesus and the life he offers. As you're pursuing life with Jesus, in community, and on mission, we believe the following plan reflects our heart for Jesus and the work he's doing in the Upstate.